Thursday, May 5, 2011

Burgers for Cinco de Mayo? Yep.

This is how we do burgers at our (vegetarian) house. The walnut, black sesame burger is topped with pickled red onion and carrots and sunflower sprouts. Carrot parsnip chips with sea salt and thyme made the perfect side dish. So so tasty.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The bread that brought me back

So whoever said blogging had to be a consistent thing? After a nearly nine month blogging hiatus something has finally moved me to post.

That something is an amazingly delicious, shocking easy loaf of bread. You see, I've been on a bit of a bread baking bender. I love the way our apartment smells while it's baking and I really love saving the small fortune that we so often spend on breads from our farmer's market. This bread is hands-down my favorite yet. WARNING: if you only eat whole grain bread this bread is not for you.! The recipe is from the New York Times and was apparently all the rage (at least in New York) 3 years ago. It bakes in a oven safe dutch oven which is apparently what makes it so spectacular.

So where was I when everyone was making this bread? Well, I was pregnant and definitely wasn't (but should have been) baking bread.

It has everything I want in a bread—a nice crispy crust and a soft stretchy interior. And it was so so easy. Even if you are a bread baking novice you can, and should, make this bread. You will thank me. I promise.

Did I mention that the crust on this bread was heaven? So follow the link and go make this bread! You won't be sorry.